jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013

I really love photography, I think everyone have a "photographer" inside that appear when we have a camera in our hands, even more nowadays that we have a lot of technology is within reach.
I think that I like so much photography because I have people close to me that are related to this activity, my brother, my sister and specially my uncle.
His name is Ricardo Chávez and he is an excellent photographer, I really like his work, so I choose one of his photographs to show you, it was one of his exposition called "Lost innocence" ("Inocencia perdida") in the Cenfoto room, of the Santiago library. The photos consist in object inside in a plastic transparent bag, like the bags that are use for investigation but it this context it talks about evidence of the childhood, of the past. I choose one of this, and you can see little shoes inside a bag, I don´t know exactly when my uncle took this photo, but the exhibition was in august, last year. I like expecially more this photo than another because it make me tenderness and also it remember myself so much younger.
So, I invite you to visit his portfolio in this website http://www.nuestramirada.org/profile/RicardoChavezChavez (how yo can see, I am a proud niece (: )

domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013

Today I'm going to talk about a very old relief printing artistic technique: xylography. I knew this technique because my sister studied art and one of her favorite technique was (and is) the xylography. This consists of  carving, with gouges, a wooden board, which will be a relief to be inked and then printed. This technique was used in our country in the very famous "Lira Popular", it was a collection of poems that talked about the reality of the  popular sectors of Chilean population during the nineteenth and early twentieth, these were hung on a string in the public squares and poems were music by singers that sang as tenths so that all people could hear what was going on.
I really like this artistic technique, and even more with the example of the Lira Popular, because I like his craft character.
 I invited you to know more about it and try to work with wood and ink, and to investigate more about the Lira Popular too, for while I'm gonna leave you an image of one of those edition. (and one of my sister work too (: ) 

domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

Tecnhology is very useful in our life because it make easier a lot of activities we do, but I`ve got mixed feelings about it. I usually use tecnhology, but I think that I must to learn to do more things without it. I don`t know which is my favourite piece of tecnhology, but the computer is which I use most. In the past in my house we have desktop, but now we use notebooks, even though notebooks are very comfortable because it can be used in every place, I think that desktops make me work more concentrated, and I think that is because I must to be sit straight so it make me pay more attention, in contrast if I am rest in bed, situation that usually make me sleep and  dont let me move forward in what I'm doing. We get notebooks since almost 7 years, but we still have desktops. I use computers for differents things, to find information, chat with friends, send e-mails, watch videos, series and movie, etc. I use computer every day, further now that I have to do a lot of things to the university, that I have to find information, and also I have to work with classmates, but I want to reduce it!!
So many times I think What life would be like without it? and I think that it would be very interesting because it make me (and make all of us) to discover a lot of things for ourselves, because not everything would be so easy and would be so handy

jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013

The best place ever!!!!!!

Today I´m going to talk about my ideal city, or better still my ideal place, and the fact is that it really exists and it is: Rapa Nui.
I was really really fortunate because I went there two years ago with all my family. It was an incredible and magic travel, and since I went there I discovered that it is my ideal place, for many reasons.
First, because it is an island. Maybe this can be scary for some people who are afraid about the ocean, but I like the idea to be in the middle of nothing. Actually, there is a place where you can see all around the island on the top of an inactive volcano. You can realise that you are surrounded by water, unfortunately I didn´t go there, because I didn't stay there as long as I wanted to. Obviously my view is external, because the fact that Rapa Nui is an island represents complications for the people who live there, who need some things they can only find in the continent, like hospitals, so they have to travel here.
Another thing that I really love about the island, is the fact that there are not buildings with more than one floor, I really really love this!!!!  I remember I realised that the clouds moved faster there, because I never saw before so many land extension, so I could see the clouds far far away.
Returning to the first point, about the "island" fact, this makes that everybody knows each other, so everybody says hello! to everybody on the street. Even if you are a tourist because it is so small that the people know perfectly if you are a local or if you are tourist. 
To finish, and I think maybe this is the most important aspect, is the presence of "moais". Not only because of the really amazing stories about them and the incredible way that they made them (one of the most amazing places was the "cantera", the place where they carved the statues) but because of the magic environmental that it creates, I felt this place as a very very very special place.
I really love Rapa Nui